Sunday, October 27, 2013

Everything That Arises Passes Away

I had just been reading Toni Bernhard’s newest book, How to Wake Up, when I came across a line I have heard before: everything that arises passes away. As simple and obvious as this statement is, these five words contain an enormous amount of wisdom.  Everything I try to teach and convey through my blog posts, dharma talks, meditation practices, yoga classes, etc., is found in this one short sentence. Whether it is thoughts, feelings, sensations, sounds, plants, animals, people, or planets  - everything that arises passes away. If one were able to truly understand the depth of this message they would be fully and completely liberated from all their suffering.
Suffering comes in many forms, but the unnecessary suffering in life basically comes down to two things: not wanting what we have and not having what we want. For example, we want more money, but don’t have it, or we have anxiety and don’t want it. How can this one sentence possibly save someone from suffering in these examples? Let’s see! Money will come and go. If you have money, having money itself will eventually end; money comes and money goes. I’m sure you have heard of people who were completely loaded who lost everything, and even if you know someone who is filthy rich and only getting richer, this person will eventually pass away. What will their money do for them then? Nothing, except maybe pay for their funeral. Even the desire itself for more money is just something that arises and ceases – a thought that could either be attached to and suffered over, or simply noticed and released. Obviously, I am not saying don’t care about money, or that you don’t need to work hard to make money, but my message is just to know that if you don’t have money, that will change – and vice versa. "Gain" arises and passes away, as does loss. In the case of anxiety, well, there is some good news here too. Anxiety arises, which means that…you guessed it! It will pass away! When you are experiencing anxiety it may seem like it will never go away, or that it never changes, but if you pay attention you will see that the feeling is constantly changing in intensity, and that there are moments in the day where you are not anxious - like when your laughing with a friend, or taking a nice big bite of a hot fudge sundae. Start bringing mindfulness in to your day and notice how all that arises passes away. Dreams end upon waking; lying down changes into standing up, full bladder passes away to empty bladder, etc. Your whole day is full of arising and ceasing. Understanding this fact you won’t get so lost in grasping on to pleasurable experiences or feelings, and you won’t desperately try to escape unpleasant ones. They both pass anyway. So pay attention and relax! It will all pass away. Fully embrace your life right now because this too shall pass! 

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